Political Risk Insights

New Anti-Corruption Party Wins Re-Run Elections in Bulgaria

Opportunities and Risks for Investors After the Second Snap Parliamentary Elections and the Presidential Vote

Political Risk Insights

Five-Party Coalition to Form New Czech Government

Implications for international investors of the prospective Petr Fiala Government

Global Trends

Toward Equity: Civil Rights Overtakes Sustainability for Corporate Engagement

Nine of 10 companies in a recent Council survey say pressure to engage on social issues has increased in the past three years.

Political Risk Insights

Postcard from Strasbourg

Implications for international investors of the prospective Petr Fiala Government

Global Trends

Poll Rates Pharma Last in Trust, but Tech is Falling Fast

Democrats — but not Republicans — support business efforts to promote vaccines and speak out against racism

Global Trends

Off to a Good Start

A framework for the dialogue between state and businesses

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