

Rollerdeck Associates wins tender for the Strategic Communications of EN.DI.A.L.E. S.A.

Rollerdeck Associates announces its new cooperation with ENDIALE S.A., the System of Alternative Management of Waste Lub Oils SA. Rollerdeck Associates won the tender to design the communication strategy, draft and implement its action plan, and in addition will provide media relations and press offices services. 

The System of Alternative Management of Waste Lub Oils of ENDIALE S.A. constitutes the body that coordinates all the management stages of Waste Lub Oils, such as collection, transport, temporary storage and treatment, recording the data of each stage, so that the waste management of each to be analyzed in detail. After many years of operation, ENDIALE has developed a full range of activities in Greece. Greece has the highest Waste Lub Oils (WLO) recycling rate in the EU, regenerating 100% of the collected WLO, which is a unique achievement of a circular economy paradigm. Greece is also the first Member State to set collection and recycling targets for marine WLO.